Collection list

The Collection list section showcases a curated array of collections, offering users a visually intuitive snapshot of available collections. This streamlines quick navigation to specific collections, contributing to an enhanced overall user experience.

Section settings

General settings


Section width

3 options for container

  • Stretch width: span the section width regardless of screen size.

  • Fix width: depends on your page content width in Theme settings -> Layout.

  • Expand full width: takes up the entire space on the page and it usually resizes itself to fit the size of the screen.

Color scheme

Select colors from Theme settings -> Colors


The title of the section


The description of the section


The position of the heading and description.

  • Left

  • Center

  • Right

Show view all button

When enabled, it will display a button with a link to the collection page



Image ratio

"Image ratio" refers to the proportional relationship between the width and height of an image.

4 options for image ratio

  • Adapt to image

  • Square (1:1)

  • Portrait (3:4)

  • Landscape (4:3)

Information position

2 options for information position

  • Overlay image: text overlay on an image

  • Bellow image: text beneath the image

Show product count

Display the product count for the collection.

Content alignment

2 options for content alignment

  • Left

  • Center

Items per row on desktop

The number of collections displayed per row on a desktop screen

Column gap

The spacing between collections


Enable carousel

When enabled, the section will be displayed in carousel format

Show navigation

Display the next and back controls for the carousel

Show pagination

Display the pagination for the carousel

Section padding

  • Top padding: Customize the top margin of the section

  • Bottom padding: Customize the bottom margin of the section

Blocks settings



Select the collection you want to display


Upload desired image, or it will default to the collection's preset image

Collection title

Custom title selection; leave blank to use the collection's preset title

Last updated