
A Video section on a website enhances engagement, diversifies content, improves SEO, conveys information effectively, supports brand storytelling, showcases products, and boosts conversion rates. It's a valuable asset for engaging visitors and achieving website goals.

Section settings

General setting


Section width

3 options for container

  • Stretch width: span the section width regardless of screen size.

  • Fix width: depends on your page content width in Theme settings -> Layout.

  • Expand full width: takes up the entire space on the page and it usually resizes itself to fit the size of the screen.

Color scheme

Select colors from Theme settings -> Colors


The title of the section


The description of the section


The position of the heading and description.

  • Left

  • Center

  • Right

Video settings


Video link

Accept the use of YouTube or Vimeo links

Video local

Use manually uploaded videos

Cover image

The image that displays before a customer plays the video. You can upload a custom cover image from your Shopify admin.

Video alt text

The alt text for the video. Describes the context and purpose of the video for customers using screen readers.

Enable video autoplay

When autoplaying videos, the sound will be automatically muted

Aspect ratio

The aspect ratio for the section:

  • 16:9 - Crops the images to use a 16:9 ratio.

  • 21:9 - Crops the images to use a 21:9 ratio.

Section padding

  • Top padding: Customize the top margin of the section

  • Bottom padding: Customize the bottom margin of the section

Last updated