Featured product

Featured products on an e-commerce website promote products, engage customers, encourage cross-selling, provide promotion flexibility, boost conversions, allow seasonal promotion, and emphasize brand identity.

General settings


Section width

3 options for container

  • Stretch width: span the section width regardless of screen size.

  • Fix width: depends on your page content width in Theme settings -> Layout.

  • Expand full width: takes up the entire space on the page and it usually resizes itself to fit the size of the screen.

Color scheme

Select colors from Theme settings -> Colors


Select the product you want to display

Column gap

3 options for column gap

  • Small

  • Medium

  • Large

Desktop image position

2 options for desktop image position

  • Left

  • Right

Desktop thumbnails position

3 options for desktop thumbnails position

  • Left

  • Bottom

  • Hide

Enable video autoplay

If enabled and the product has a video, it will automatically play

Enable video looping

If enabled and the product has a video, it will loop

Top padding

Customize the top padding of the section

Bottom padding

Customize the bottom padding of the section

Product title

Display product name


Show sale badge: Display product labels like discounts, preorder, out of stock

Variant picker

Products with variants provide customers with more choices. To learn more about variants and how to add them to your store, visit the following link.


Formatted text with common styling options, like bold and italics, not available in plain text.

Buy buttons

  • Show dynamic checkout buttons: Toggle the 'Show dynamic checkout buttons option to include a direct checkout button

  • Show recipient information form for gift card: Enables users to schedule gift card deliveries with personal messages. Learn more


Display the product description that has been added

Product rating

Display the product rating

Product meta

Show/ hide collections, SKU, product type, and product tags.

Inventory status

Inventory status signifies the availability of a product. It's vital for ensuring products are in stock, managing inventory efficiently, and informing customers about availability on your website

Last updated