Update Glozin In One-Click Fast Way

Firstly, go to ThemeForest to download the latest version of the theme: https://themeforest.net/downloads. Then you must extract the download package and follow this guide to install the new theme to your store.

1. Update the theme with just one click

Instructional video:

1.1. One-click update step by step

Step 1: Install the NS ‑ Discount in Cart app using the link provided here.

Step 2: Go to the app NS ‑ Discount in Cart -> Settings -> Select the Glozin theme you have uploaded and use it in your store. -> Save

Step 3: Select Nextsky themes -> Update Theme and click button Open

Step 4:

  • 4.1. Select files the config, template, language, and other to copy to the new version update theme or you don't need to select the files if you do not wish to copy them to the new version update theme.

  • 4.2. Click button Update theme


  • Update your theme to the latest version will not keep any custom code modifications in liquid files.

  • Update your theme to the latest version will not keep any custom code modifications you've made. Make sure you backup your current theme version before update.

  • The update theme package will be set as an unpublished theme. You can check before publishing it to your store.

Step 5: After updating, a new version of the theme will be imported. You can review the config, template, language, and other files, and publish the new version if it meets your expectations.

Last updated