Product cards

Change layout, content and display variant options


  1. In the theme editor (Customize), click Theme settings

  2. Locate Product

  3. Make necessary changes

  4. Save

General settings

Product actions

Style: There are 3 card styles to choose from: Standard, Card and Morden.

There are several options for you to decide what to show inside products layout:

  • Show button "Quick view": enable quick view button when hover a product

  • Show button "Add to cart": enable add to cart button when hover a product

  • Show button "Add to wishlist": enable add to wishlist button when hover a product

  • Show button "Add to compare": enable add to compare button when hover a product

Product info

Alignment: Specify the alignment for product info (left, center, right).

Product name text transform: Define the transformation for product names (unset, capitalize, uppercase).

Product name size: Set the font size for product names.

Show vendor: Determine whether to display the vendor information.

Show short description: Choose whether to display the short description.

Show rate: Decide whether to display rating stars.

Product image

Show secondary image: Display the second image upon hovering.

Image ratio: Specify the ratio for the images.

Custom ratio: Define a custom ratio instead of using the default image ratio.

Hover effect: Choose the effect for the hover image.

Catalog mode and Mobile options

Hidden add to cart button: Conceal the add to cart button.

Hidden price: Suppress the display of the price.

Show product actions on mobile: Choose whether to display product actions on mobile devices.

Last updated